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Settle in, we’re bringing you in our saddlebags…
“To prolong our travels on your bookshelf, we’re self-publishing our travel journals!”
Venice at twilight
Mekong travelogue
Sahara travelogue
Africa sketchbook
India sketchbook
Morocco sketchbook
- Contact me for order
- 88 pages printed on 170 g paper
- Soft cover
- Free bookmark
- 25 euros + postage
- More views
Mekong travelogue (Vietnam)
- Contact me for order
- 112 pages printed on 170 g paper
- Soft cover
- Free bookmark
- 25 euros + postage
- More views
- The book in video
Sahara travelogue (Mauritania) : the book
- Contact me for order
- 124 pages printed on 170 g paper
- Soft cover
- Free bookmark
- 30 euros + postage
- More views about the journey
- The book in video
Sahara travelogue (Mauritania) : the movie
- Contact me for order
- Format 16/9 full HD
- Duration : 47 minutes
- 10 euros + postage
- English subtitles
- Streaming VOD 5 euros Viméo
India Travelogue: the book
6 months of wandering in the heart of India…
- Contact me for order
- A4 « Landscape » aspect ratio
- 1,2 kg of diaries, 176 full color book empty of sensations, printed on 140 g paper
- Soft cover
- TheDVD and the bookmarks are free for each book ordered.
- 35 euros + shipping fees (Contact me)
“Take part in a bicylce trip… without having to pedal, having to transport luggage, or being afraid of getting cramped or stiff, with no risk of being shipped home in quarantine, and without suffering from jetlag…! Enhanced by Jérémie’s artwork and his watercolors, this sumptuous travel journal illustrates their six months of wandering. The thirst for discovery is their guiding line: from the Chinese border in the heights of the Himalayas to Kanyakumari beach, the sub-continent’s southernmost point. To discover the world with them (and maybe discover a bit of yourself) climb aboard their baggage rack!”
India Travelogue: the movie
90 minutes with us on our bikes…
Here is a small vidéo to show you the inside of the book.
- Contact me to order it
- THE BOOK + THE DVD: 40/45/50 euros pay as you can, the DVD and the bookmark are included for each book purchased _ shipping fees
- DVD alone 15 euros + shipping fees
- Don’t hesitate in asking us to sign your copy!
- Don’t forget about your friends, your family, and Christmas gifts!
- Maybe you’ll also want to add the “Africa Travel Journal” published by Jérémie in 2012: 30 euros (instead of 40 euros, shipping fees included!)
“Come aboard Natalie and Jérémie luggage rack for 1:30, TO DISCOVER INDIA! Take part in a bicycle trip… without having to pedal, having to transport luggage, or being afraid of getting cramped or stiff, with no risk of being shipped home in quarantine, and without suffering from jetlag…! Far from the “postcard” image so often shown, they give us an unusual and singular look at that oft talked about country. For the return ticket and the landing, we’re declining all responsabilities…”
Africa Journals: the Book-cd
2 nomadic years throughout the continent…
- Contact us for order
- A4 « Landscape » aspect ratio
- 1,2 kg of diaries, 176 full color book empty of sensations, printed on 140 g paper
- Soft cover
- The CD and the bookmarks are free for each book ordered. The CD is a soundscape created from recordings made by Claire.
- 30/35/40 euros pay as you can + shipping fees (contact me).
Here is a small vidéo to show you the inside of the book.
4 postcards about Morroco and Mauritania
10,5 x 15 cm – 1 euro each – 3 euros for a set of 4 cards + shipping fees of 2 euros per shipment.
Contact me to order
7 postcards about India
10,5 x 15 cm – 1 euro each – 5 euros for a set of 7 cards + shipping fees of 2 euros per shipment.
Contact me to order
1 euro each + postage fee of 1 euro per shipment.
Contact me to order
6 postcards about danse
10,5 x 15 cm – 1 euro each – 4 euros for a set of 6 cards + shipping fees of 2 euros per shipment.
Contact me to order
Discover below a selection of available reprinted works in high definition.
If you’re interested by other visual work, everything that’s on the site is available (or almost).
Multiple sizes available, 12 euros for A4 format, 20 euros for A3 format, buy two the third one is free (+ shipping fees of 2 euros per parcel, shipped by mail, unframed).
The illustrations made in India

I offer creations on request. Ask me for rates and delays.
For smaller budgets who still want an original work, I also do original frames for reproductions (collage and frame painting)
Ask me for rates and delays.
Why did we choose to self-publish?
Synonymous with freedom, it’s an alternative to classic publishing in which the authors choose to be their own publishers.
We did (almost) everything ourselves: artwork, writing, recordings, filming, setup, layout, cover… but also corrections, proofreading, legal formalities, printer choice, storage, shipping, but also promotion, exhibition, conferences…
Therefore, our journey continues with the books under our arm as we meet with the public.
Of course, this entails many repercussions in many domains.
Faced with the mammoth size of the task, it’s understandable that many abandon the idea of self-publishing.
However, is it not the price that must be paid in order to gain the additional space for expression and creative freedom?
We believe in ourselves. Do you?