Entre les dunes – Le livre
Akdhar le sel du désert – le film
- MOVIE (digital or DVD) + bookmarkb : 10 € (15€ support price)
- TRAVEL BOOK only + bookmark : 30 euros (35€ support price )
- MOVIE (digital or DVD) + TRAVEL BOOK + bookmark : 35 € (45€ support price )
Discover the journey through video!
Trailer, making-of, bonus, interview ….
The travel diary :
– Leaf through the book in your hands: https://youtu.be/OAKvBWRbg8k
– The journey at the tip of the brush: https://youtu.be/f3AnzFtw404
– The cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COikykcaO6Q
– The portrait of Ali: https://youtu.be/k9zfqwKbS7o
– The salt workers: https://youtu.be/xcbC7gmrjBw
The movie:
– INTERVIEW WITH THE AUTHORS: https://youtu.be/efhFDF8DXi4
– BLOOPERS: https://youtu.be/qzpVHKR9hD0
– TIMELAPSE of the market of Atar: https://youtu.be/y6JEBonZuZc
– TRAILER: https://youtu.be/EESBxQ0INOs

In May/June 2018, we left for a new destination, with a brand new project in the heart of the desert in Mauritania. This project is the result of our meeting with Lolo and John, two talented travel photographers!
We are combining our disciplines to produce a documentary film, as well as two books in the form of a travel diary and a photobook. We wish to offer a sensitive and artistic immersion in the daily life of the nomadic communities of the Adrar plateau, in the Mauritanian Sahara.
Akhdar, The Salt of the Desert will be directed, produced and carried by the three of us: Jérémie, Loïc and Jonathan.
On site, my friend Ahmed Jiddou, whom I met during my trip around Africa by bicycle and whom I have seen many times since, will serve as our guide and interpreter during the production.
With the excuse of going back up the salt route, we will share the daily life of the men and women of the desert.
From the harvest from the coastal mines of Nouakchott, bartered or sold at the markets, to its transportation to the nomadic camps on camelback, we will experience the very essence of this singular people.
The salt of life, the salt of sweat, the salt of tears…
In this territory where life is fragile, are they the last witnesses of a people with values and customs with an unclear future?
I have always admired the determination with which some civilizations cling to a fragment of the world.
There are those who have plenty of water, farm fertile lands…. And then there are the others: those who struggle to exist in extreme regions. The tribes of the Adrar belong to the latter.
Here live the Beydanes nomads: proud as the sun, free as the wind.
They know, with dignity, how to accomplish the path that leads man from life to death.
In these desert lands, the solitude and the barrenness are such that often it crushes life.
But sometimes, it magnifies it.
We have to admit that we have made too little acquaintance. The immense sleeping wave, petrified by the sand, is far from having delivered all its secrets.
As Mohamed Aoutcheki wrote, “the inhabitants of the desert have the breadth of spirit of a limitless horizon, the patience of an endless road and the sheer dignity of a people built like a mountain.” Many are the travelers who do not come back from this country intact: some even keep a tenacious nostalgia that borders on addiction. No matter what, once is not enough!
In a country built on sand, far from the fixed representations constructed during the colonial era, the Moorish society is in full mutation. The complex reality it has to face disrupts its way of life.
Must they disappear for us to know that these people existed? In this hostile territory where life is so fragile, will they be the last representatives of a people with values and customs with an uncertain future?
Not only are we witnesses to this, but these same anxieties run through us. What will happen if these diversities die, they who make the richness of human identity?
How long will we be able to reflect on the fact that there are havens on Earth where men try to live far from the agitation of the modern world, in such complete silence that one can hear the blood flowing in one’ s veins?